Monday, April 9, 2007

I Wonder if They Knew Then It Would be What it is Today?

As the title says, I wonder if the knew then it would be what it is today. Today is April 9, 2007 and to most it is just another day that comes and goes without much to thought. But to a nerd like me it is special because 82 years ago today a group of believers came together to form a new church. This church would come to be called Dawson.
I wonder if on April 9, 1925 they would have thought that their little church would become a light in a dark world that shines to the ends of the earth. That God would move in way that would change the world by the actions of the ministers and members. That its name would be carried the ends of the world and that the lives of people in far off lands would be changed by what God does through it. That the name of God would be glorified by the lives that are and have been changed by the work of their little church.
I don’t know what Dawson means to others, but me to it means a place that has changed and changes my life almost every day. But I am very thankful for what God has done in the life of Dawson both for my spiritual life and of the lives of thousands of people over the years. So I finish this with one final thought, congratulations to my family on 82 great yeas and I look forward to many more to come with you.

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